Commercial Photography

What is Brand Photography?

Photo of author
Written By Nate Torres

In this guide, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about brand photography.

As a photographer, I vividly recall the moment when I realized the power of brand photography.

It was a captivating journey that led me to understand how visuals can shape and elevate a brand’s identity, and how photography can be a potent tool to convey a brand’s story, values, and personality.

In this article, I’ll take you on a similar journey, exploring the concept of brand photography, its significance in today’s visual-driven world, and how it can help businesses connect with their target audience on a deeper level. So, get ready to be inspired and learn how brand photography can be a game-changer for your business.

Join me as we delve into the world of brand photography, uncovering its essence and unlocking its potential to create impactful visual narratives that leave a lasting impression.

What is Brand Photography?

Brand photography refers to images that represent people or their businesses. Business branding photography helps new businesses to bloom and grow their popularity! They will usually expect you to capture their vision through individual styles, colors, etc.

Why is Brand Photography Important?

When people hear a brand name, they will usually bolt to their social media and search for that name. So every brand needs social media to account for good branding, right?

It becomes particularly important for new entrepreneurs to make a name for themselves and create their own personal brand.

This popularity is then used to attract more customers, and eventually lead them to success.

They want people to stop scrolling and follow their accounts because of the astonishing photos!

That is why the association between branding and photography is so significant.

Where You Can Use Brand Photography

So, you’ve taken a picture, but where should you use it? You want the most bang for your buck, right?

Maybe you want to build a good first impression with customers. Then consider using them on:

  1. Instagram
  2. Twitter
  3. LinkedIn
  4. Your businesses blog

Want to convert your client to a regular? Then use your photos on a thank you note! This gives off the impression that you appreciate them and expect them to come back.

The options are based on your needs, making it pretty much endless. Use them on your website, in paid advertisements, or even use it on a calendar.

brand photography
become a brand

How Do I Become a Brand Photographer?

Becoming a brand photographer means that you are ready to conjure your client’s personality onto a photo.

This may be difficult because you need to ask them various questions and listen very carefully to their answer.

Every single solution contributes to the end product, making it particularly valuable.

But hey! Knowing more about your client won’t hurt and will form a bond between both of you.

1. Being Good at Communicating

What is brand photography’s hardest trial? It’s the communication and landing that first job.

Communicating consists of listening and asking the right questions. Be ready to ask your clients some questions that explain their market and how you should approach them.

Creative questions help with clarity and explanation of their vision for you. Some examples are:

– What’s the brand?
– What makes their brand stand out from the competitors?
– What do you associate your brand with? Being Bold, Brave, and Independent?
– Do you have a favored tone or color palette? Perhaps the trending pastel?

Listen carefully and ask them to explain if some answers are ambiguous.

Effective communication will place both you and the client on the same page. The job will be much easier once you know what they envision.

brand photography communication
communication is key

2. Preparing a Portfolio

Portfolios help clients when deciding which photographer to hire. Portfolios show your clients your performance in photoshoots.

Supply a wide variety of multiple projects. More experience in various projects makes you a formidable photographer. The more references available, the better.

Make sure that your portfolio gives off a professional first impression to hook those clients in!

3. Prepare a List of Service Bundles and Fees

What is brand photography’s bottom price? People may not know, so provide bundles and the respective fees.

A little trick is to price the first option at a regular market rate, but offer others at a much better rate!

Example? Option one would be 25 shots 1 Location is $75, while option two will be much more attractive by providing 50 shots & 2 locations for only $125!

This is a psychological pricing tactic that many marketers employ.

Adjust the price based on your ability and your client’s request, and provide retouching services for post-production as an incentive to keep them coming back. Or you could just add it as a separate option.

4. Prepare Sample Shots or References

Sometimes, clients find it hard to explain what they want.

Make your clients’ life more comfortable by preparing sample shots and references.

References come in handy to give you a rough estimation of the atmosphere or mood of the photos.

If they still feel lost and cannot describe it, open Pinterest, and have them choose a handful of photos as a reference. 10-30 is a respectable number to give you a good estimation!

That pretty much sums up how business branding photography works!

brand photography portfolio

How Much do Brand Photographers Make?

Business branding photography allows photographers and clients to charge varying amounts.

Pricing depends on the quality, the number of photographs taken, along with the multiple locations needed for the shot.

Let’s say that you could at least profit $100 from one photoshoot that includes 25 photos and two locations. Then the number can shoot up towards $1500 for 100 photos, including 4 locations using multiple props.

You get the idea, depending on what you provide, use, and output, the price can become lower or higher. Bundles also exist, so take advantage of that too!

So, what is brand photography’s average income? It averages from $60,000 a year.

How to Get Started with Brand Photography?

People barely know what personal brand photography is. It is only normal for a newcomer or a seasoned photographer to search for help.

We prepared a few handy tips before plunging into the world of brand photography, such as:

1. Know Your Market

Knowing what your market needs and how your market wants to be represented plays a vital role in both parties’ success. They are searching for photographers worth their time and investment.

High-end imagery is always sought after, but well-thought-out photos are always appreciated.

If you were wondering about trends… Well, yes, this also includes trends.

Take a look at the brand photographers you aspire to be and see how they appeal to their market.

Specifically, look at their editing style and composition. Is it bright and “poppy” or moody and cinematic?

2. Understand the Business Model

People often do not know what brand photography is. Most of them just hire their friend that owns a fancy camera to take some pictures.

The problem is, that there is no guarantee that the person can produce quality, meaningful photos for them.

Your client may be new to this world. So, make sure to make everything as clear and easy as possible. Simple and easy to understand in the field and how to license/use your images.

Do not worry about working with complete newcomers; they are also trying their best to understand what you are telling them!

brand photography business model
understand the business model

3. Making the Most Out of Your Niche

If you have been in photography long enough, you will know that clients want a picture that tells stories and emotions.

Presenting the spirit and personality of a brand correctly allows them to engage more with their customers and become more successful.

Complete this, and many clients will become repeat customers while spreading your name to their entrepreneur circle! Make the most out of every opportunity.

Concluding Remarks

To sum up, what is brand photography? A picture that expresses a vision of a person or brand. Becoming one is not easy, but worth the effort because of the benefits it provides.

Branding and photography work well together. Starting as one should not overwhelm you, as long as you understand your market, and business model, and maximize every opportunity. Preparation is critical for both you and the client.

The pay is pretty decent, and you could become a full-time brand photographer given time and dedication. If you are interested, try it out.

It will not hurt to learn a new niche, right? Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in a branding photoshoot?

A branding photoshoot typically includes various elements that are tailored to the specific needs and goals of a business or brand. This may include capturing images that represent the brand’s identity, such as its logo, products or services, team members, workspace or environment, brand colors, textures, patterns, and overall aesthetic style. It may also involve capturing images that convey the brand’s story, values, personality, and target audience, as well as images that can be used for marketing materials, social media, websites, and other brand touchpoints. The goal of a branding photoshoot is to create a cohesive and visually compelling visual narrative that aligns with the brand’s identity and resonates with its target audience, ultimately helping to enhance brand recognition, engagement, and connection.

Who needs brand photography?

Brand photography can benefit a wide range of businesses and individuals who want to establish a distinct visual identity, connect with their target audience, and create a memorable brand presence. This includes businesses of all sizes, entrepreneurs, influencers, content creators, artists, and anyone who wants to communicate their unique story, values, and personality through visuals. Brand photography is especially relevant for businesses and individuals who rely on visual platforms such as social media, websites, and marketing materials to showcase their offerings and connect with their audience, as it can help create a consistent and compelling brand image that stands out in a competitive market.