Imagine 💡

Create 📸

Inspire ⭐


Imagine 💡 - Create 📸 - Inspire ⭐

About is an online platform providing free online photography tutorials, downloads, and paid photography courses.

About Nate Torres

Nate Torres.
Nate Torres standing with camera.

Hi, my name is Nate Torres, and I’m a professional portrait photographer, content creator, and founder of I’ve been building this photography educational website since 2021, but I have been photographing and writing for over 10 years now!

In the early days, I started writing photography articles to learn more about photography and to give myself a consistent reason to go out and take photos.


They say that if you want to learn a new skill, writing and teaching about what you’ve learned can be helpful.

I took that advice to heart, and that’s how Imaginated was eventually born!

Now that I’m a professional photographer, I write to share insights I’ve learned with other photographers while keeping my own photography knowledge sharp with the latest techniques and concepts.


My core mission is to break down the barriers of photography education, making it approachable and engaging for everyone. Whether you’re picking up a camera for the first time or you’re a seasoned professional, my goal is for Imaginated to be your go-to resource for clear, organized, and easy-to-follow photography learning.

When I was first learning photography 10+ years ago, photography blogs and resources existed, but the experience I had was not optimal.

I found the information was very scattered, it was written by authors who weren’t particularly credible and “in the field” working with clients, and oftentimes was written in a way that was way too complex for beginners.

Solution to scattered information

To solve the issue of scattered information, I am committed to organizing our categories, pages, and posts in a way to act as a streamlined educational photography resource. This organization can help photographers learn about a certain photography topic from A to Z.

Solution to credibility

To solve the issue of credibility, I only write on particular topics or concepts after I’ve had experience with them in a professional setting. I believe this firsthand experience allows me to bring a level of depth and insight to my writing that might not be available to authors who aren’t actively engaged in the field.

By doing this, I can share not just theoretical knowledge, but also practical insights and nuances that arise from real-world professional photography.

Solution to complexity

To solve the issue of complexity, I’m a strong believer in the Feynman Technique, popularized by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. The Feynman Technique is based on the idea that if you can’t explain something in simple terms, then you don’t fully understand it yet.

With that being said, my goal with Imaginated is to be the #1 photography educational website that explains concepts in a simple yet in-depth way, understandable by beginner, amateur, and professional photographers alike.

What does "Imaginated" mean?

I chose the name “Imaginated,” as a playful blend of “image,” “imagination,” and “created.”

As photographers, we have the ability to capture what’s in our minds and put it into an image, where our imagination meets the lens of reality.

The team

Currently, Imaginated is a solo-employee venture led by me, Nate Torres.

I started this website to share my love of photography while further enhancing my own knowledge. I don't plan on hiring full-time employees anytime soon, but that may change in the future!


Editorial integrity

At Imaginated, integrity isn’t just a buzzword—it’s my foundation. Led by my experience and expertise, I ensure that all content is personally crafted or vetted, maintaining a gold standard for photography education online. My commitment extends beyond sharing knowledge; I strive to foster an environment of trust and transparency with our audience.

Guiding principles

Every piece of content on Imaginated is a testament to my hands-on experience and passion for photography. This approach guarantees that my tutorials, guides, reviews, and stories are not only informative but also imbued with real-world insights and professional wisdom.

Ethical affiliate marketing and ad revenue

I embrace transparency in our affiliate partnerships and advertising. By rigorously reviewing products I personally use and recommend, I ensure the content remains unbiased and faithful to my mission of providing genuine value to my readers.

Environmental advocacy

My commitment extends to the world we capture through our lenses. I emphasize the importance of responsible photography practices, urging my community to photograph with a deep respect for nature and the subjects we portray.

Imaginated has been featured on numerous photography and non-photography websites such as Adobe, Photofocus, Fstoppers, and SLRLounge to name a few!

Company updates

  • July 2022 – acquired PresetsGalore to further enhance the mission to be a top resource for photographers.

Connect with me

I thrive on feedback and warmly invite you to share your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions via my contact page.

Join me on this journey, where every click of the shutter not only captures a moment but also signifies a step forward in your photography adventures.


Nate Torres

Š 2024