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Adobe Lightroom presets

Have you ever spent hours editing your photos, only to find that the final product isn't what you had in mind? Or, maybe you're just starting in photography and don't know where to begin with post-processing. If so, keep reading to learn about a tool that could transform your photo editing process...

What are Lightroom presets?

Lightroom Presets are templates that can be applied to any of your photos to improve their style, lighting, blur, and many other factors based on their settings.

(Be sure to check out our Free Lightroom Presets).

These small changes can make a big impact on your photos and also on you! With presets, you can edit your photos consistently due to their simplicity. This saves you precious time, which can be used for other activities, such as taking more photos!

When people first hear about “what are lightroom presets”, they believe they are the same as filters. This is incorrect, although both of them do perform in many similar ways.

So, to avoid mixing them up, let us learn more about what photo presets are and what a photo filter is.

Do professionals use Lightroom presets?

Yes, professionals do use Lightroom Presets.

Lightroom Preset’s most prized feature is its photo editing presets. So, what are Lightroom presets commonly used for? They are commonly used for global adjustments.

This is the type of editing where the editor modifies the entire image's contrast, white balance of the picture, exposure, etc. Lightroom Presets also provide a Higher Dynamic Range option. This helps to level out the differences between the lightest and darkest parts of an image.

What are the benefits of Lightroom presets?

Professionals usually use them as a foundation for their edits. In photography, people really appreciate a fast workflow, and Lightroom Presets provide this.

For example, if professionals need to make a global adjustment to correct a factor in an image, they will usually pick a preset and fix the individual parts later. Although not all professionals work in this particular way, many do.

What are the drawbacks of Lightroom presets?

Lightroom presets generally provide global adjustments. This means they cannot fix small flaws in the image itself.

Because of this, professionals often do not use them for detailed edits. Detailed edits, such as flaws in the background or even on the subject itself, cannot be repaired using Lightroom presets.

10 Reasons why you should use Lightroom presets

1. Simple to learn

Although it might seem daunting to start using these “techy” presets, they are, in fact, simple to use. Simply choose one of the presets you have in Lightroom on the List of imported custom presets in the Presets Panel. A handy step-by-step guide on how to use presets is provided below.

2. Saves time

Time and a steady Workflow are both key factors in ensuring one’s success in becoming a better or more professional photographer. Many professionals say Lightroom Presets makes their workflow faster and steadier than without it.

A preset works like a template. When you have a photo that you would like a certain preset applied to, you only need to click the preset option, and voila! You now have a preset applied to your fabulous photo.

3. Compare multiple filters

Have you ever had the feeling that something is a little wrong? Maybe you think that another preset would be better, but you do not have enough time to click each filter one at a time and see its result. Don't worry—Lightroom has a feature that allows you to preview the preset! This can be found in the navigator box.

4. Increased consistency

With presets, you can apply the same treatment to all of your photos. This can make your photos look like each other or give your photos your own distinct “touch.”

For example, perhaps you have one favorite preset that you always use, and it becomes your “signature” preset. Even if you apply the same preset on multiple photos, they will still look uniform and not awkwardly disjointed.

5. Make adjustments and custom presets

Maybe you do not have that perfect preset that you desire. Do not worry, my friend. Lightroom has got you covered. Lightroom users are free to change, customize, and even save their own presets.

This allows you, the user, to put all your creativity and time into making the perfect preset. A bundle of presets that are created can also be sold on the internet

6. It becomes the foundation of your edits

Using Lightroom Presets does not mean they automatically finish your editing job.

Often, after you apply a preset, you only need to perform some minor adjustments to make the picture just the way you like it. The adjustments may range from a quick contrast change to adding another preset on top of the earlier one.

With so many people joining social media as influencers or as businesses, they must perform fast edits with maximum results. Lightroom Presets (now available on mobile devices) can deliver that and provide a professional edit for them.

7. Batch editing

One feature that everyone points out when they talk about Lightroom is batch editing. Batch editing is the process of editing a large number of photos at the same time.

Let’s say you took 88 photos of your beloved pet. Usually, manually editing every picture takes a long time, but with Lightroom presets, you can apply a preset to all of the pictures at once.

However, you need to add some minor fixes. These minor fixes will only take a couple of minutes and some adjustments to the settings. In the end, they are still worth the trouble.

8. Surprisingly affordable

With all of the ease that presets provide, people often think the software is expensive to buy. Luckily, most presets are sold at quite an affordable price. Usually, they are sold in bundles. Which is a win-win for both your photo quality and your bank account.

9. Safe from overwriting the original

This is one of the great advantages that Lightroom has.

The app does not edit the original image directly; it only edits a copy of it, which means that the original photo is safe! The file from Lightroom can also be exported as a different type of file, which makes things a little easier.

10. Side by side comparisons

Many image editing apps do not provide a side-by-side comparison.

Users are often forced to open two tabs and manually put them side by side. However, Adobe Lightroom solves this problem by providing “split modes,” which allow you to easily compare the photo before and after the editing process.

How to use presets in Lightroom?

Now, you may be wondering how to use presets; there are only a few steps required, which makes them pretty simple to use!

First, select a photo and click the “edit” icon. Then, click Presets in the bottom column of the edit panels. Second, choose a category in the panel to access its presets. If you find what you like, click to apply, and voila! Photo editing presets are also stackable, which means you can overlap one preset with another.

To see how a preset would affect your photo, hover your mouse over it. The picture will change itself as a preview(but will still not be fully applied). You can delete or remove the preset by simply using the “Undo/Revert to Original” command.

Differences between a preset and a filter

1. Presets

Yes, it may seem to be a subtle difference. But in the world of photography, every detail provides the key to improvement.

Using a preset can produce more consistent images. Even if it is your first time using a preset, you can generally produce a higher-quality photo than just slapping filters on it.

Sadly, presets require a little more time and skill to set up properly and produce quality photos. If you are in a rush or just want to post an image to your friends, it may be quicker to apply a filter. However, the use of presets in your business or portfolio will surely help demonstrate your photographic ability and will earn you some respect from your fellow photographers.

2. Filters

There are many types of filters out there right now.

From physical filters that are added to our camera lenses to add the desired effect to electronic filters that are applied in many social media apps (such as Instagram, Snapchat, and many others).

Photographic filters

Traditional physical filters have many uses, from protecting the camera’s lens to making certain colors stand out more, helping reduce reflections from objects (polarizing filters), and diffusion filters that can change the focus of the lens.

These filters are welcome and can help photographers achieve better-quality photos when used correctly.

Social media filters

These electronic filters have notable disadvantages, especially regarding consistency. By consistency, I mean the results on the detail (not on the filter) will differ.

For example, if you take 5 photos from a variety of angles and lighting and then simply slap a filter on them, the results will become inconsistent between photos. Some will look good, some average, and some will just look bad. However, filters from Instagram or Snapchat may be your best choice if you are in a rush and the photo is only used for personal purposes.

Lastly, never use a filter and upload it to your business account or portfolio; it does not demonstrate your true photographic abilities. At the end of the day, when you compare Lightroom presets to its brother, photo editing filters, it all lies in the usage or purpose.

In short, if you want a more consistent and professional look for your photos, choose a preset. If you want a faster, less consistent photo for personal purposes, a filter would be your best option.

Should you use Photoshop and Lightroom presets?

Yes, you should consider using both of them together! However, this decision will depend on your photographic goal.

If you want highly detailed photos that are heavily edited, you should use Photoshop. Taking photos of models up-close may sometimes show their imperfections, which are usually edited out using Photoshop to make them look smooth, get rid of their crowfeet, or even make some body parts… more toned.

On the other hand, if you do not need a very detailed edit, Lightroom Presets should be just fine for you.

Lightroom Presets provide you with many options in relation to presets, which can be purchased at a reasonable price! These presets are also customizable, which means that you can use them as a starting point before doing some more individual editing.

In the end, it all comes down to what you are aiming to do with the software; perhaps having them both and using them appropriately as required is also the right way to go.

In conclusion, Lightroom presets are very useful in producing quality photos with minimum effort. These tools are used by casual social media posters, professional photographers, and editors in the photography industry. Although they may appear the same, filters are different from presets. Presets can provide global adjustments to the photo and are highly customizable, while filters are not.

Professionals highly recommend using Adobe Lightroom Presets for quick overall editing. Although both Photoshop and Lightroom Presets have their advantages and drawbacks, both should be used as required to achieve the best results in photographic editing.

Lightroom is often used for an overall image adjustment, while Photoshop is used for a more detailed edit on specific areas of the image. Lightroom Presets offer many benefits. They are simple, efficient, and highly consistent.

Lightroom offers a wide variety of presets, which allow you to edit in bulk. Lightroom also only edits a copy of the original, leaving the original safe and protected. It is surprisingly affordable. Presets themselves are very simple to use, just open the edit icon, click on presets, choose the desired preset and apply!

Š 2024